BOYCOTT Yahoo Search Engine and Mac Afee Virus Protection
 For Unfairly Labeling particular Native American Web Sites

as "UNSAFE".  
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A site I hold dear to my heart, and a site which should be viewed with a great deal of respect, is under attack from Yahoo and Mac Afee.

Some might not think this important but I'll tell you right now why those that think that are so very, very wrong.

First off, this is the oldest site of it's kind dedicated to the education of all interested in knowing the truths and facts of being Native American.

It deals with issues pertaining to our past, present and future and has helped a great number of people, from no blood to full bloods, learn and understand.

Snow Owl's site was doing this long before it was ever popular to do so.

The site was started by Snow Owl, Stone Woman and Spotted Wolf.

 Snow Owl has since passed away and Stone Woman and Spotted Wolf both struggle to carry on with what they have dedicated their lives to. They have made many self sacrifices to do so.

The site has over 1,700 pages of stories, editorials and various info.

Their only payment received, never asked for but always appreciated, is the thankful words of the countless people they've helped on so many levels.

While other sites, too numerous to count, have come and gone...Snow Owl's site has endured.

It is a site that sets the standard for all other sites which follow.

To attack them so, and in such a frivilous manner, is not just an insult to them but to all of us as well....regardless of race.

It is an insult to all who wish to learn!

Yahoo and Mac Afee doesn't wish them to list any email addresses at all.

That defeats the whole purpose of the site and how it works.

Anything on the site is credited to it's writer and said writer's contact info is listed. That way anyone with questions or comments can contact the writer and get answers to their questions, or relay facts, or exchange ideas.

Folks that is how we learn.

That is how truths come to the surface to be shared by all.

Are we so rich in knowledge, so all knowing already, that we can afford to have such a resource silenced?

And it would appear that Snow Owl's site is not the only Native site being attacked!

To me the issue is very clear. We either realize the value of such sites, appreciate the hard work and endless hours that go into them, and refuse to have them contaminated by commercialism or attacked because of their dedication to wanting to stay true to their cause......or....we ignore such attacks, fail to realize their danger or just fail to care, and thus lose knowledge we can't afford to lose.

In so doing you would be saying that you care not that some dedicate their lives for the betterment of our People, you care not the value of truth, and you care not for what is right.

Is that who you really wish to be? Someone who cares not?

Anyone who uses the Yahoo search engine is being given false information, and thus is a victim of their fraud.

Sincerely, Lee Spirit Hawk
         Tsalagi Author, Story Teller and Activist 


You can read the full details of what has happened and what is happening at Yahoo and Mac Afee Target ( .

In the Update--There is also a link for you to report the "fraud" being perpetrated on you by Yahoo and Mac Afee.


Yahoo has NOT been putting up the comments made by the owner of the site or others, because they have been favorable to the site. Here are two such comments:

(1) FYI - I've been to snow owl website in the past, enjoyed it, never been asked to fill out forms etc, no spam from being there,  so today after reading your bulletin here I went back and explored around again, no forms etc. After having my system do some website checking and getting no alarms, I put the web addy into Yahoo search and got the warning. Further checking showed me a place to dispute/comment on the rating. Thought I'd let you know what I wrote to them. No telling what will happen. In the past when I've had to complain to Yahoo some of the responses almost make me yell at the screen and reach for their necks - they sometimes just don't "git it".

Hope they do this time - anyhow for what it's worth, here's my complaint to them;

"I believe the warning for the snow owl site, that yahoo search displays, is wrong. Over time I've visited said site many times and never, ever have I been asked to fill out a form or give my email address on any page I visited.  I've never received any spam as a result of visiting that website and now when I do a Yahoo search on the website, it gives me a warning. I just now finished exploring many parts of that website and, once again, never once was asked to give my email address or fill out any forms as your warning refers to "forms".  What gives????   All the website security filters that are in place on my system give it a clean rating!

(2) Your rating of the Snow Owl site is in error, plain and simple. I have visited this site for at least 3 years and have NEVER had a problem with spam. I personally know of many others who are also long term visitors to this site and they tell me they are just as shocked as I by your rating of it as they have never had a problem of any kind either. Yes the site has some emails posted, but they never ask for you to do such and the only ones you'll find there are posted voluntarily by those who contribute articles to the site or those who leave they emails in the guest book. In the second case it is neither asked for nor recommended. Any site that has any email address for any reason can have that address used inappropriately by anyone who sees it, so why do you only target a few? If you wish to blame someone then why not put the blame where it belongs? I'm talking about the automated programs that infiltrate sites and gather emails for a variety of unscrupulous reasons. If you are aware of a way to keep them from doing so, then by all means, please make me aware of how and I'll see to it that Snow Owl's site is thus protected. Until then I'd appreciate you removing your rating as it is upsetting many more people than you can imagine and this issue will not just fade away without being corrected. 
         Sincerely, Lee Spirit Hawk
         Tsalagi Author, Story Teller and Activist